For decision-makers

If you are a decision maker in the field of education, here you will find a few quick links that will direct you to the answers of your most urgent questions:

Q1: Why should I do it?

You will find a concise description of the possiblities and added value of using virtual worlds in education in the first 4 sections of the following Avalon report:


Further information is also provided in section 1 of our ‘Guidelines for Educators’:

Q2: Can I do it?

In order to find out if your technological infrastructure is able to handle virtual worlds like Second Life, please check out

If you are not sure if your teaching staff is capable and willing to support this idea, contact Dr. Gary Motteram from the University of Manchester for a teacher-training course that is tailored individually to the specific needs of your institutions.

Q3: What’s the risk?

We have identified four areas of risk you may want to consider:

Technical risk:
Address the risk of weak technical infrastructure by testing your infrastructure on time. More information on this:

Student computer interaction risk:
We suggest you reduce it by student’s proper technical initiation and appropriate support staff
(more info on that:

Learner participation risk:
Make sure, the content is meaningful to your students and that you exploit emotional impact of teamwork (follow the link ‘resources for teachers and learners’ / ‘Models of language learning in virtual worlds’ for more info)

Virtual world risk:
Choose the right virtual world for your needs (
Section 4 through to 9)