Parlez-vous Français ?

August 19, 2010 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm –

This session for beginner will be in 3 acts :

you will first learn to introduce yourself ; to say your name, your age, your profession, where you are leaving and to speak about your family.

In the second act you will test your vocabulary. Without thinking about it you are regularly using french word.

Which one ? Do you know it? … « rendez-vous », « trottoir », « chauffeur »…

Try our quizz and have fun! You will be surprised to see how many french words you do already know!

Last but not least we will make a trip to the south-western part of France, where we will visit the typical Village of Arcachon and discover by treasure hunt some strange traditions and funny curiosities.

Some nice surprises are waiting for you!

We hope this is interesting for you. We will not charge for the events, but record them for research purposes (see our charity statutes for privacy statement). Register by replying to until two …hour before the event. We will provide you with the details and coordinates.

If you have not been to Second Life before, or are not familiar with the new Viewer 2 software, please come 1 hour earlier to check in. If you need assistance, please write an email to including your phone number, we will call you back.

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